Saturday 25 March 2017

What to eat during pregnancy?

This is the most frequent question asked by being mother as they desire their baby be healthy and disease free. We at Diet Kundali believe that if mothers’ vitamins and minerals quota is optimal, there are most chances that the same nutrition will be passed on to baby making it healthier. The fundamental laws of meal planning for pregnancy are same, however the nutritional requirement for mothers increase for the duration of pregnancy and lactation.Diet Kundali can help you focus on nutrient dense foods from your own shelf without increasing your calories. Here are some guidelines when you are searching what to eat during pregnancy.

During First trimester or early months of pregnancy, the mother frequently suffers from morning sickness because of the hormonal and physiological changes, at that time she should be given little amounts of food through increased frequency. Carbs rich foods such as bread, khari, biscuit as well as fruit should be given in the morning or earlier than meals which help to reduce nausea. In addition fried food, strongly flavored and highly spicy foods needs to be avoided. During pregnancy nutrition requirement increases and hence mother should consume extra food. The mother can be given healthy snacks in between meals instead of giving three meals a day therefore increasing the regularity of feeding. Her eating pattern should be 5 meals in a day. Protein requirements can be met by adding good quality of protein foods like non veg source (meat, milk, egg, fish) and pulses like soybean as well as groundnuts at a lesser cost. To enhance protein quality for those who are vegetarian cholesterol free Protein Power shall be included.

To meet extra iron requirements food stuffs like puffed rice,whole grain cereals,dried fruits, rice flakes, green vegetables, enriched cereals and liver organ of meats can be given. For vegetarians it recommended to take an iron folic supplement to bridge the nutritional gap. Also fiber rich food like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals,flaxseeds(in moderation during pregnancy consult with your doctor) with plenty of fluids should to be included. This will helps in preventing constipation which is a common issue during pregnancy.
Nutrients requirement during pregnancy increases because of:
  • Growthand development foetus 
  • Growth of the maternal tissues, placentas 
  • The growth of the mammaryglands and uterus. 
  • Additional blood volume 
  • Storage 

Take care of following nutrients in your diet when you search for what to eat during pregnancy:

During Pregnancy Energy requirement will increase by 300-500 kilo kcals (Normal – 1900-2100 kCal) .Because the growth and physical activities of Fetus and growth in maternal body size. 
Protein is essential for growth and maintenance of tissues of mother and foetus. Durning pregnancy, protein requirement will increase from 1 to1.5-1.75gm/kg/day. 
Requirement of calcium is 1200-1300mg/day during pregnancy, increase the intake of calcium is very essential for foetal bones and, teeth. This will also help to protect calcium reserves of the mother’s bone during feeding post-delivery. 
During pregnancy requirement of iron is 25 to 27 mg/day . 
Requirement of Vitamin A is 750 to 800 micro grams. 
Folic acid (600 micro grams)is very important for the development of RBCs which helps to increase the blood volume in pregnancy. 
Omega3 fatty acid is very essential for development of foetus brain as well as retina. RDA is 300-600 mg.

For more details Please visit us on our free Registration form or call to Expert: +91 8424030111

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